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Ankit Beniwal

Dr Ankit Beniwal

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Research interests

  • Physics


Ankit joined King’s College London as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in 2021. Before King's, he was based in Brussels, Belgium for almost three years in a postdoctoral position at the Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3), UCLouvain. Prior to that, he spent six months at the Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm University (Sweden) as a visiting researcher.

Ankit completed his undergraduate degree in High-Performance Computational Physics (Honours) and PhD in Theoretical Physics at the University of Adelaide, Australia.

He is an active member of the GAMBIT community who are well-known for performing global statistical fits of popular beyond-the-Standard-Model theories.

Thesis title

The Investigation of Higgs Portal Dark Matter Models.

Research interests

  • Detection and identification of particle dark matter
  • BSM model building and global fits
  • Matter-antimatter asymmetry and neutrino masses
  • Ultra-light dark matter and its relevance to the AION experiment

PhD supervisor

Principal supervisor: Dr Christopher McCabe


Physics telescope
Theoretical Particle Physics & Cosmology

The research focus of the TPPC Group is on tests of new models of particle physics beyond the Standard Model, including supersymmetry, large extra dimensions and strings.


Physics telescope
Theoretical Particle Physics & Cosmology

The research focus of the TPPC Group is on tests of new models of particle physics beyond the Standard Model, including supersymmetry, large extra dimensions and strings.