Professor Andrew Krentz
Visiting Professor
Professor Andrew Krentz is Visiting Professor in Population Health Sciences in the School of Population Health & Environmental Sciences.
Andrew graduated MB ChB from the University of Birmingham, UK, and completed his postgraduate training in diabetes and human metabolism at leading centres in the UK and at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, USA. He has four decades of clinical practice and research experience in metabolic, endocrine and cardiovascular disorders. His doctoral research thesis was titled Metabolic Studies in Insulin Resistance.
Andrew’s involvement in the life sciences includes senior appointments in preclinical and early-phase clinical drug development in the UK and USA. His personal contributions to translational innovations in clinical endocrinology include the first-ever use of octreotide for the medical emergency of sulfonylurea-induced hypoglycaemic coma. In 2019, Andrew was recognised for outstanding contributions to pharmaceutical medicine with an honorary Fellowship of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine (FPM) at the Royal College of Physicians in London.
Beyond his expertise in diabetes and endocrinology, he is accredited as a clinical specialist in hypertension by the European Society for Hypertension. He is President-Elect of Vascular, Lipid & Metabolic Medicine at the Royal Society of Medicine and is a member of the Medical, Scientific & Research Committee of the cholesterol charity Heart UK. He is an invited member of the European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance (EGIR) and the Diabetes & Cardiovascular Study Group of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD).
He is actively involved in projects focused on precision diagnostics and therapeutics, digital healthcare, and healthy longevity that bridge across academia and industry. In this context, Andrew heads up the cardiometabolic division of Metadvice and co-supervises a PhD candidate in a collaboration with the Biomedical Informatics Research Group at King's. He is also a Senior Research Fellow at ProSciento, San, Diego, USA and a member of the FPM Medical Devices, Diagnostics & New Technologies Expert Group. He serves on the international advisory boards of New Medicine Partners and Academic Health Solutions. Andrew is a Fellow & Mentor in translational medicine at the Collaboration for Advancement of Sustainable Medical Innovation (CASMI) based at University College London, UK.
His senior appointments have included: Visiting Professor of Medical Science, Institute of Cardiovascular & Metabolic Research, University of Reading, UK (2018 to date); Professor of Endocrinology & Metabolism and Director of the Institute of Translational Medicine at the Clore Life Sciences laboratory, University of Buckingham, UK (2016-17); Visiting Professor of Medicine, Institute of Diabetes for Older People, Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Postgraduate Medical School, University of Bedfordshire, UK (2011-14); Senior Director for Scientific Services, ProSciento, USA (2011-16); Consultant Physician in Diabetes & Endocrinology, Southampton University Hospitals (1995-2009); Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Southampton, UK (1997-2009); British Heart Foundation I
Andrew is Visiting Professor in Population Health Sciences in the Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine, King’s College London where he is exploring the application of machine learning to promote precision therapeutics for complex non-communicable diseases including lipid disorders and diabetes.
He graduated MB ChB from the University of Birmingham, UK and pursued postgraduate training at leading institutions in the UK and USA.
Andrew’s experience encompasses clinical practice informed by his research in metabolic, endocrine and cardiovascular disorders. His doctoral research thesis was titled Metabolic Studies in Insulin Resistance. Andrew’s involvement in the life sciences includes senior appointments in preclinical and early-phase clinical drug development in the UK and USA. Prof Krentz’s PhD thesis is based on his translational research experience. In 2019, Andrew was recognised for his outstanding translational contributions to pharmaceutical medicine with honorary Fellowship of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine (FFPM) of the Royal College of Physicians. In 2022, Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists (FRCP) was conferred on the strength of Andrew’s publications in the field of chemical pathology/clinical biochemistry.
Beyond his expertise in diabetes & endocrinology he is accredited as a clinical specialist in hypertension by the European Society for Hypertension. He is President of Vascular, Lipid & Metabolic Medicine at the Royal Society of Medicine and is a member of the Medical, Scientific & Research Committee of HEART UK. He is an invited member of the European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance (EGIR) and the Diabetes & Cardiovascular Study Group of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD).
He is actively involved in projects focused on precision diagnostics and therapeutics, digital healthcare, and healthy longevity that bridge across academia and industry. In this context Andrew heads up the cardiometabolic division of Metadvice (www.metadvice.com) and co-supervises a PhD candidate in a collaboration with the Biomedical Informatics Research Group at KCL. He is also a Senior Research Fellow at ProSciento, San, Diego, USA and a member of the FPM Medical Devices, Diagnostics & New Technologies Expert Group. He serves on the international advisory boards of New Medicine Partners (www.newmedicine.io) and Academic Health Solutions (www.academichealthsolutions.com). Andrew is a Founding Fellow & Mentor in translational medicine at the Collaboration for Advancement of Sustainable Medical Innovation (CASMI) based at University College London, UK.
Senior appointments include: Visiting Professor of Medical Science, Institute of Cardiovascular & Metabolic Research, University of Reading, UK (2018 to date); Professor of Endocrinology & Metabolism and Director of the Institute of Translational Medicine at the Clore Life Sciences laboratory, University of Buckingham, UK (2016-17); Visiting Professor of Medicine, Institute of Diabetes for Older People, Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Postgraduate Medical School, University of Bedfordshire, UK (2011-14); Senior Director for Scientific Services, ProSciento, USA (2011-2016); Consultant Physician in Diabetes & Endocrinology, Southampton University Hospitals (1995-2009); Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Southampton, UK (1997-2009); British Heart Foundation International Research Fellow, University of California San Diego, USA (2004-5); International Research Fellow in Human Metabolism, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, USA (1989-90).
Andrew has an extensive record of scientific publications and has authored and edited a series of well-received medical textbooks including Type 2 Diabetes in Practice (2001); Insulin Resistance: A Clinical Handbook (2002); The Metabolic Syndrome & Cardiovascular Disease (2007); Translational Research Methods for Diabetes, Obesity & Cardiometabolic Drug Development (2015). His latest textbooks are Cardiovascular Endocrinology & Metabolism: Theory & Practice of Cardiometabolic Medicine (in press) and Insulin@100: Deficiency, Excess & Resistance in Human Disease (in press).
Andrew has been closely involved in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education during his career. He was a Clinical Instructor at the University of California San Diego, USA and is currently External Examiner for the well-regarded master’s degree in diabetes at the University of Warwick, UK. Andrew is currently leading a multidisciplinary team exploring how to expand medical education to better meet the needs of doctors and patients in the 21st century. This activity was the basis of his election as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA).
In 2012, Andrew founded the journal Cardiovascular Endocrinology & Metabolism (www.cardiovascularendocrinology.com) and serves as its Editor-in-Chief. Other international journal editorial board membership experience includes Diabetes Obesity & Metabolism (founding Co-Editor), Diabetic Medicine (Associate Editor with special remit for cardiovascular disease), Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research (Associate Editor), Drugs, Drugs & Aging and Faculty of 1000 (Geriatric Cardiology).
+44 (0)7910 086296

The Translational Research Pathway in Cardiometabolic Medicine: From Epidemiology and Phenotypic Models to Drug Development and Precision
Seminar with Professor Andrew Krentz
Please note: this event has passed.

The Translational Research Pathway in Cardiometabolic Medicine: From Epidemiology and Phenotypic Models to Drug Development and Precision
Seminar with Professor Andrew Krentz
Please note: this event has passed.