Dr Andrew Guise
Senior lecturer in Social Science and Health
Research interests
- Biomedical and life sciences
Andy researches and teaches on health inequalities and urban exclusion. His research addresses the health needs and experiences of people who are homeless and using drugs, and the potential for health service and public health responses. Specific areas of work include understanding the impacts of peer and community led initiatives, as well as how stigma and other social factors shape people’s health.
Andy currently holds a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship. This programme of work is developing a complex systems approach to stigma and discrimination.
Prior to joining King’s College London he completed his PhD and post-doctoral work at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, followed by a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of California San Diego.

Social science and Urban public health institute
Working with collaborators around the theme of urban public health

Health Inequalities, Societies and Systems
Central to our research is understanding and tackling the systemic and intersecting drivers of disparities in health over the life course such as racism, gender, crime, precarious livelihoods, environmental pollution, and inaccessible health care. We work collaboratively across the School of Life Course and Population Sciences to strengthen the theoretical aspects of population health research.

Social Responses to Stigma
Social Responses to Stigma is exploring new ways of trying to tackle stigma as it relates to homelessness.
Stigma stopping evidence-based response to drug overdoses in UK
A new analysis in the BMJ argues that UK government opposition to drug consumption rooms is rooted in societal stigma

King's researcher awarded UKRI Fellowship to tackle major health inequalities for people who are homeless
Dr Andy Guise has been selected as one of UKRI’s Future Leaders and will receive significant support to develop a new response to the social stigma that leads...

Homeless people were social distancing long before Covid – and it may have saved lives
A study has found loneliness and exclusion might have played a role in preventing people from contracting Covid

The Poor Laws 2.0
Reaching back for lessons from history is increasingly common to make sense of society.


Social science and Urban public health institute
Working with collaborators around the theme of urban public health

Health Inequalities, Societies and Systems
Central to our research is understanding and tackling the systemic and intersecting drivers of disparities in health over the life course such as racism, gender, crime, precarious livelihoods, environmental pollution, and inaccessible health care. We work collaboratively across the School of Life Course and Population Sciences to strengthen the theoretical aspects of population health research.

Social Responses to Stigma
Social Responses to Stigma is exploring new ways of trying to tackle stigma as it relates to homelessness.
Stigma stopping evidence-based response to drug overdoses in UK
A new analysis in the BMJ argues that UK government opposition to drug consumption rooms is rooted in societal stigma

King's researcher awarded UKRI Fellowship to tackle major health inequalities for people who are homeless
Dr Andy Guise has been selected as one of UKRI’s Future Leaders and will receive significant support to develop a new response to the social stigma that leads...

Homeless people were social distancing long before Covid – and it may have saved lives
A study has found loneliness and exclusion might have played a role in preventing people from contracting Covid

The Poor Laws 2.0
Reaching back for lessons from history is increasingly common to make sense of society.