Aline da Silva Cerqueira
PhD Student
Research interests
- Environment
- Geography
Contact details
Aline is an Anglo-Brazilian Marine Biologist currently undertaking a PhD degree in the Department of Geography jointly with the ZSL Institute of Zoology. She is part of cohort 4 of the London NERC Doctoral Training Partnership Programme, fully-funded by NERC/UKRI. She is the co-founder of AQUASIS, a conservation NGO dedicated to the protection of endangered species and important habitats in northeastern Brazil, and a research partner with AQUASIS’ Marine Mammals Program, focused on the conservation of the manatee (Trichechus manatus), and the Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis), two endangered species that have the highest mortality rate in the region. Aline is part of Liga das Mulheres pelo Oceano (Women's League for the Ocean), a network of women from a range of backgrounds working collectively to boost the impact of actions and ideas for ocean conservation. She is also a collaborator in the Decade of Ocean Scientists Network.
Thesis title: Acoustic Tracking of Ocean Wanderers: Revealing Behavioural Context on the Wing
Aline's PhD research investigates seabird soundscapes in the context of foraging at sea, using a combination of miniature bird-borne audio recorders and GPS tracking devices. She is the creator of Seabird Soundscapes, a citizen-science-powered project that engages people with the marine soundscapes of seabirds at different locations around the world, helping to unveil their foraging behaviour in the high seas and identifying potential threats to their existence. Aline's research interests lie mainly with marine ecology and conservation using biologging technology and non-invasive monitoring methods, and marine policy. She is engaged in activities that support fairer, collaborative and inclusive practices and equal representation in conservation.
PhD Supervision
Principal Supervisor: Professor Terry Dawson
Secondary Supervisor: Dr Robin Freeman