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Alfredo Iacoangeli

Dr Alfredo Iacoangeli

Reader in Bioinformatics


After a career in Biophysics,  Dr Alfredo Iacoangeli accepted his PhD "cum laude" in Life Sciences in 2016 from Sapienza University of Rome where he worked in the field of structural bioinformatics with a particular focus on protein structure prediction and protein-peptide interaction.

Alfredo joined King’s College London in March 2016, and is now the lead of a joint programme between the Department of Basic & Clinical Neuroscience and the Department of Biostatistics & Health Informatics at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience at King’s College London.

The aim of this programme is two-fold:

1) The development of computational approaches based on statistical, machine learning and bioinformatics methods, to study the biological basis of neurodegenerative diseases;

2) The use of large multi-omics and clinical datasets to identify subgroups of patients affected by neurodegenerative diseases with homogeneous disease causes and clinical phenotype, that can be used for precision approaches to clinical and biomedical research.

Research interests

  • Bioinformatics
  • Machine learning
  • Genomics
  • Motor Neurone Disease
  • Neurodegeneration


  • Bioinformatics, interpretation and data quality assurance in genome analysis 
  • Advanced Bioinformatics
  • Practical Structural Bioinformatics
  • Deputy Lead of the Motor Neuron Disease research theme at the NIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre

Expertise and Public Engagement


    Dr Alfredo Iacoangeli receives the 2024 Paolo Gontijo Award

    Dr Alfredo Iacoangeli was awarded the Paulo Gontijo award at the 35th International Symposium on ALS/MND on 6 December 2024 in Montreal, Canada.

    A group of five people - two women on the left and three men on the right, with Dr Alfredo Iacoangeli in the centre. They are all wearing white lanyards with MNDA symposium branded banners behind them

    King's researcher receives nearly £1 million to investigate the role of ancient viral DNA in ALS

    Dr Alfredo Iacoangeli has been awarded £983,708 funding from the Medical Research Council (MRC) to explore how genetic sequences acquired millions of years...


    Over £1.4 million awarded to King's researchers to accelerate MND treatment development

    Three projects led by researchers at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) have received MND Translational Accelerator awards...

    MND Accelerator awards 2024

    King's Motor Neurone Disease Care and Research Centre Hosts Delegation from Perron Institute and Western Australian Government

    The esteemed guests included Steve Arnott, CEO of Perron Institute, and John Langoulant, Agent General for Western Australia.

    20240613 Perronvisit

    King's College London and LifeArc team up to accelerate MND treatment development

    LifeArc has pledged £1.5 million to fund a new two-year collaborative partnership with King’s College London.

    Molecules MND

    Dr Alfredo Iacoangeli receives Genes 2022 Young Investigator Award in Human Genomics and Genetic Diseases

    Dr Alfredo Iacoangeli was recognised by the journal, Genes, for his contributions to the fields of human genomics and genetic diseases.

    Alfredo Iacoangeli


      Dr Alfredo Iacoangeli receives the 2024 Paolo Gontijo Award

      Dr Alfredo Iacoangeli was awarded the Paulo Gontijo award at the 35th International Symposium on ALS/MND on 6 December 2024 in Montreal, Canada.

      A group of five people - two women on the left and three men on the right, with Dr Alfredo Iacoangeli in the centre. They are all wearing white lanyards with MNDA symposium branded banners behind them

      King's researcher receives nearly £1 million to investigate the role of ancient viral DNA in ALS

      Dr Alfredo Iacoangeli has been awarded £983,708 funding from the Medical Research Council (MRC) to explore how genetic sequences acquired millions of years...


      Over £1.4 million awarded to King's researchers to accelerate MND treatment development

      Three projects led by researchers at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) have received MND Translational Accelerator awards...

      MND Accelerator awards 2024

      King's Motor Neurone Disease Care and Research Centre Hosts Delegation from Perron Institute and Western Australian Government

      The esteemed guests included Steve Arnott, CEO of Perron Institute, and John Langoulant, Agent General for Western Australia.

      20240613 Perronvisit

      King's College London and LifeArc team up to accelerate MND treatment development

      LifeArc has pledged £1.5 million to fund a new two-year collaborative partnership with King’s College London.

      Molecules MND

      Dr Alfredo Iacoangeli receives Genes 2022 Young Investigator Award in Human Genomics and Genetic Diseases

      Dr Alfredo Iacoangeli was recognised by the journal, Genes, for his contributions to the fields of human genomics and genetic diseases.

      Alfredo Iacoangeli