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Alexander Kupatadze

Dr Alexander Kupatadze

Senior Lecturer, King's Russia Institute


Prior to joining King’s College Dr Kupatadze taught at the School of International Relations, St Andrews University. He held the postdoctoral positions at George Washington University (2010-11), Oxford University (2012-13) and Princeton University (2013-14). His research specialization is transnational crime, corruption, public sector reform, informal politics and crime-terror nexus. His regional expertise is post-Soviet Eurasia. His work has appeared in Journal of Democracy, Theoretical Criminology, Nonproliferation Review, Central Asia Survey and other leading journals.His research has been funded by Russell Trust (St Andrews University), British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES) and Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation.


Alexander's current research focuses on a) the variations in crime-terror nexus in Europe as well as internationally; b) illicit trade in consumer products and the involvement of non-state and state-affiliated actors in it; c) non-conventional security threats (crime, corruption, violence, etc) in post-Soviet Eurasia (especially in Caucasus, Central Asia and Ukraine) and their study in comparative perspective.


Dr Kupatadze teaches the following modules at the King`s Russia Institute: 


    Russia evading sanctions thanks to 'shadow trade deals'

    New research has shed light on how Russia is evading international sanctions with help from neighbouring countries and the “implicit approval” of producers in...

    Public protest with placards calling for sanctions against Russia

    Report warns of 'opportunities for organised crime' amid war

    A new report authored by a King’s College London academic examines the impact of the war in Ukraine on organised crime and security in the surrounding region.


    Report warns of potential for increase in illicit trade from initiative

    A new report co-authored by a King’s academic examines the effects of China’s Belt and Road Initiative on illicit trade, corruption and crime.

    Belt and road


    Smugglers adapting fast in pursuit of illicit profits during coronavirus pandemic

    Smugglers forced to adapt as global supply chains grind to halt in pandemic

    Global supply chains have become more limited owing to coronavirus restrictions.


      Russia evading sanctions thanks to 'shadow trade deals'

      New research has shed light on how Russia is evading international sanctions with help from neighbouring countries and the “implicit approval” of producers in...

      Public protest with placards calling for sanctions against Russia

      Report warns of 'opportunities for organised crime' amid war

      A new report authored by a King’s College London academic examines the impact of the war in Ukraine on organised crime and security in the surrounding region.


      Report warns of potential for increase in illicit trade from initiative

      A new report co-authored by a King’s academic examines the effects of China’s Belt and Road Initiative on illicit trade, corruption and crime.

      Belt and road


      Smugglers adapting fast in pursuit of illicit profits during coronavirus pandemic

      Smugglers forced to adapt as global supply chains grind to halt in pandemic

      Global supply chains have become more limited owing to coronavirus restrictions.