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Aleksandra Stelmach

Dr Aleksandra Stelmach

Research Associate

Research interests

  • Biomedical and life sciences
  • Languages
  • Ethics
  • Communication


Dr Aleksandra Stelmach is currently a Research Associate on the Wellcome Trust-funded project Biomedical Research and the Politics of the Human. She received her PhD in Science and Technology Studies from the University of Nottingham. Prior to joining King’s, Aleksandra held research positions and collaborated on projects at the University of Exeter, UWE Bristol and the University of Sheffield. Aleksandra is an interdisciplinary social scientist with a background in social anthropology, journalism and linguistics. Before joining academia, she worked as a news reporter and a health and medicine editor for mainstream media outlets.


  • Science and Technology Studies
  • Public communication and engagement
  • Public understanding of science and health
  • Biomedicine and life sciences
  • Emerging biotechnologies
  • Language and discourses
  • Ethics and responsible communication of research

Aleksandra’s research bridges Science and Technology Studies and Science Communication. She also studies how language and visuals are used in public communication of science and health-related issues. She has extensive experience in using qualitative research methods and used them to study the fields of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease and epigenetics, focusing on the communication of risk and parental responsibility. More recently she has explored public communication and engagement surrounding gene drive technology in Africa, Europe, the US and Australia. Aleksandra has an interest in the responsible use of language and in issues of inclusion in communication and engagement.

Further Details

See Aleksandra's research profile


Biotechnology & Society research group

Addressing the social, ethical and legal questions arising from developments in health and biomedicine using a multidisciplinary research approach.


Biotechnology & Society research group

Addressing the social, ethical and legal questions arising from developments in health and biomedicine using a multidisciplinary research approach.