Adrianna first joined the Department of Psychosis Studies at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience as a NIHR Maudsley BRC PhD student in Genetic Epidemiology in 2018. Before that, Adrianna completed an MSc in Neuroscience in Psychiatric Genetics, also at the IoPPN, and a BSc in Psychology, at Durham University. Adrianna previously taught in the MSc Psychiatric Research at KCL and is Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Research Interests
- Psychiatric genetics, especially of psychosis
- Polygenic scoring, biological pathways, and modelling genetic contributions to disorder
- Relationships between psychiatric disorder and infection, especially schizophrenia and influenza
- Open science
Adrianna has previously taught statistics, scientific literature analysis and data visualisation as part of the Research Methods & Statistics in Mental Health module within the MSc Psychiatric Research at KCL.
Expertise and Public Engagement
Work completed in collaboration with other members of the Department of Psychosis Studies (Dr Tom Pollak, Dr Conrad Iyegbe, and Prof Robin Murray), on a link between psychotic disorders and influenza, was covered by Vice Magazine in 2020 (https://www.vice.com/en/article/g5x3gq/link-between-pandemics-and-psychosis-spanish-influenza-and-psychotic-disorders).