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Adeoti Dipeolu

Adeoti Dipeolu

PhD student

  • Research Assistant

Research interests

  • Peace, justice & strong institutions (SDG 16)
  • Women


Adeoti Dipeolu is a Research Assistant and PhD student at the African Leadership Centre (ALC) at King’s. She is also the coordinator of the ALC’s Leading Practitioners Project that convenes Senior Practitioners in the field of Peace, Security and Development to offer mentoring sessions and lectures. Adeoti’s roles include research, coordinating research-related events and assisting with the fellowship programme.  

She holds an MA in Public Policy from the University of East Anglia and a BA in International Relations from Agnes Scott College.


Thesis title: The Leadership Dimensions of Diaspora Involvement in Peace Process: US Liberian Diaspora and the Politics of Peacebuilding’.

Adeoti's thesis attempts to understand the relationship between the diaspora and various actors in Liberia’s peacebuilding processes.

She has also contributed to several research projects including the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) funded the project, ‘Reframing Narratives of State-building and Peacebuilding in Africa’.

In 2014, Adeoti contributed to a FEMNET Beijing 20 plus report which reviewed the progress of African states on women’s empowerment. She has, in addition, contributed to other research work on gender and youth for several international organisations. Adeoti has also worked as a research intern with International Alert focusing on peacebuilding issues.

PhD supervision

Further details

See Adeoti's research profile



Reflecting with Leading Feminists: inclusion, voice, ownership and African Agency

On International Women's Day, leading feminists from Africa discuss the voice, inclusivity and the importance of ownership for Africa’s future.

Please note: this event has passed.


Knowledge Production by Africans for Africa: The Importance of Research in African Development

In this panel, recipients of King’s Africa International PGR Scholarship address this gap by drawing from their own ongoing doctoral research.

Please note: this event has passed.


Beyond Remittances: COVID-19, the African diaspora and homelands

COVID-19 continues to redefine everyday life across the world, including continental Africa. Adeoti Dipeolu looks at how it is affecting the flow of money...

Image credit: Alistair Macrobert



Reflecting with Leading Feminists: inclusion, voice, ownership and African Agency

On International Women's Day, leading feminists from Africa discuss the voice, inclusivity and the importance of ownership for Africa’s future.

Please note: this event has passed.


Knowledge Production by Africans for Africa: The Importance of Research in African Development

In this panel, recipients of King’s Africa International PGR Scholarship address this gap by drawing from their own ongoing doctoral research.

Please note: this event has passed.


Beyond Remittances: COVID-19, the African diaspora and homelands

COVID-19 continues to redefine everyday life across the world, including continental Africa. Adeoti Dipeolu looks at how it is affecting the flow of money...

Image credit: Alistair Macrobert