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Adelaide  de Vecchi

Dr Adelaide de Vecchi

Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering

Research interests

  • Engineering


Since completing my PhD in aeronautics at Imperial College London, I have been working on precision cardiovascular medicine, first at the University of Oxford, then at King’s College London. This defined my research interest in data-driven models for disease prediction. I am now Head of the Department of Digital Twins for Healthcare at King’s College, focussing on the development of Digital Twins for precision medicine by combining imaging, machine learning and modelling. My vision is not only to enhance technological synergies, but also to constructively engage all stake-holders – from engineers, to clinicians, to policy makers, to patients – to enable the full potential of the Digital Twin paradigm and its deployment.

My specific research interests span blood coagulation modelling in thrombus formation, remodelling prediction in pediatric congenital heart diseases and aortic coarctation, modelling of cardiac valves implantation and machine learning based assessment of pulmonary hypertension. I also have a strong interest in responsible innovation, patient experience, and public engagement, for which I have started a UK-wide initiative to help students and early career researcher incorporate these elements in their work.



    Centre for Doctoral Training in Digital Twins for Healthcare

    DT4Health brings together a world-class multidisciplinary team of supervisors to train future innovation leaders to articulate and materialise the Digital Twin vision in healthcare.

    King’s MechanoBiology Centre (KMBC)

    The King’s MechanoBiology Centre gives a common platform for researchers across different disciplines with complementary interests in mechanobiology


    New MRI method will better inform surgical decisions for babies born with a heart defect

    A novel 10-minute MRI scan could help surgeons better plan for a congenital heart defect




    International Women in Engineering Day panel & networking event

    The School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences Gender Equality Working Group is hosting an event to celebrate the work our women engineers at all...

    Please note: this event has passed.


      Centre for Doctoral Training in Digital Twins for Healthcare

      DT4Health brings together a world-class multidisciplinary team of supervisors to train future innovation leaders to articulate and materialise the Digital Twin vision in healthcare.

      King’s MechanoBiology Centre (KMBC)

      The King’s MechanoBiology Centre gives a common platform for researchers across different disciplines with complementary interests in mechanobiology


      New MRI method will better inform surgical decisions for babies born with a heart defect

      A novel 10-minute MRI scan could help surgeons better plan for a congenital heart defect




      International Women in Engineering Day panel & networking event

      The School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences Gender Equality Working Group is hosting an event to celebrate the work our women engineers at all...

      Please note: this event has passed.