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I manage some of the team, oversee the upkeep of the environment, edit webpages and look after the Special Collections digitisation work. I am also involved in teaching and managing internship projects.

I joined King’s College London in 2006 and worked for 5 years in what is now Frontline Services. I transferred to Special Collections after my MA in Library and Information Studies in 2011 and have progressed to a more senior role in the team.

Areas of Expertise

Ask Adam about rare books, the use of special collections holdings, and the history of the Maughan Library building.


The Special Collections team co-curates seminars with academics at King’s and elsewhere.

We regularly host sessions on the history of the book, the 18th century, and the early modern period.

We also use material from our collections to interrogate themes such as colonial legacies and the history of medicine.

Please have a look at the KLASS module Using Special Collections In Your Studies to learn more about how we can support you.



I like the history of the local area and wrote this (among other blogs) a while ago:

Ray, A. (2016, July 20). Chapbooks: Fleet Street time travellers. King’s Collections.