“kHOPE” (king’s Health Outcomes and Patient-relevant Evidence synthesis) research group Principal investigators: Daniel Munblit. The kHOPE research group brings together people interested in outcome research to synthesise evidence and improve patient care. Project status: Ongoing
Activities on inpatient wards Principal investigators: Alan Simpson. Investigating what makes activities desirable for service users to combat boredom on inpatient mental health wards. Project status: Ongoing
Optimising the Delivery of Diabetes Distress-Informed Care for its Prevention, Detection and Management in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes: A Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Programme (D-stress Study) Principal investigators: Jackie Sturt. The D-stress study develops a new programme that combines the best of three existing treatments to detect, manage and prevent type 1 diabetes distress in the UK Project status: Ongoing
Surveillance in mental health wards Principal investigators: Alan Simpson. Body worn cameras are being increasingly used in healthcare, but there is little research on their impact when used in mental health services. Project status: Ongoing
The Effectiveness of MyDiaMate, a Self-guided Web-based App for Mental Health in Type 1 Diabetes: a Multinational Randomized Controlled Trial MyREMEDY (MyDiaMate for REMission of Elevated Diabetes Distress in tYpe 1 diabetes). Project status: Ongoing
Research divisions Find out more about research divisions in the Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care.