With the return to campus and our new BSc Neuroscience and Psychology, we have more students at Denmark Hill than ever before. Enabling them to feel that they belong – that it really is their IoPPN – is really important. The range of photos of staff and students reflecting on their own diverse backgrounds and what they enjoy most about being part of the IoPPN is a huge improvement on the white walls that were there beforehand. Of course, this is only a small part of how we try to build this sense of belonging, but it’s a really immediate and obvious one, and I’m so grateful to the staff and students who have been involved in this.
Professor Juliet Foster, Dean of Education at King's IoPPN
04 November 2022
Your IoPPN: new initiative celebrates students and staff
Staff, students, and alumni have become 'part of the IoPPN furniture' in an innovative art installation as part of the new ‘Your IoPPN’ initiative.

With the start of a new academic year came opportunities to rethink how students are engaged with at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN). The Student Experience Team has been working closely with students and staff to gather ideas on what we can do to recognise the community at Denmark Hill. In response to the feedback received, the IoPPN has launched Your IoPPN, a new initiative to celebrate the community through events, campaigns, design initiatives, and social media.
Kicking off Your IoPPN, students, staff, and alumni visited Denmark Hill campus on the 18th and 19th July for a light-hearted photoshoot where the Student Experience Team captured the volunteers at their most relaxed. These smiling faces now fill the walls of the IoPPN Main Building, besides quotes encapsulating each person’s IoPPN experience.

This year, the IoPPN Student Experience Team will be working closely with KCLSU to run lots of student events throughout term-time, including quiz nights, sexual health and sexuality week, mental health week, wellness hours, movie nights and King’s Sport events.
During welcome week, the IoPPN launched new @YourIoPPN social media channels, a hub for IoPPN students with the aim of building a thriving online student community. The Twitter and Instagram channels share student events, opportunities, wellbeing resources and academic support, as well as top tips from fellow students.

If you're down at Denmark Hill campus, make sure to check out the new Your IoPPN art installation at the IoPPN Main Building.
Don’t forget to follow @YourIoPPN on Twitter and Instagram for all IoPPN student events, opportunities and resources.

How can I get involved in future opportunities?
If you want to get involved with future Your IoPPN projects, complete this form and the IoPPN Student Experience Team will get in touch with opportunities.
For more information, please email the IoPPN Student Experience Team or Jonathan Nassar, Student Experience Manager.