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08 March 2021

Women in Central Banking: International Women's Day Podcast Episode

The Qatar Centre for Global Banking and Finance proudly presents this International Women's Day episode on 'Women in Central Banking' for the Connections Podcast from King's Business School.

Women in Central Banking image with purple background and picture of two women next to red K for king's logo.

In recent years, women have risen to the most senior roles in central banking, with Janet Yellen becoming the first woman to lead the Federal Reserve in America and now the first woman to serve as Treasury Secretary and Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank.

Dame Colette Bowe (External Member of the Financial Policy Committee, Bank of England) joins Dr Francesca Monti (Deputy Director, Qatar Centre for Global Banking and Finance) to share their experiences of working in central banks. They share their thoughts on and experiences on issues such as gender bias, the change in working patterns ushered in by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the importance of having a gender-balanced view from both men and women when setting crucial policies that will affect the economy as a whole.

Listen below:

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This episode was brought to you by the Qatar Centre for Global Banking and Finance. Visit the Qatar Centre for Global Banking and Finance's profile to learn more about the centre.

View more about the Connections Podcast here.

In this story

Francesca Monti

Advisor, Qatar Centre for Global Banking & Finance