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09 June 2020

Who should try Rwandan genocide suspect Felicien Kabuga?

Criminal Law expert Dr Nicola Palmer has provided insight into the arrest of Felicien Kabuga.

A landscape photo of Rwandan countryside.

Dr Nicola Palmer has given insight into the arrest of Felicien Kabuga. The wealthy businessman is accused of being a financial backer of Hutu extremism during the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.

In her article for Al Jazeera she writes: ‘Kabuga's case fits into a wide and deeply contested picture of post-genocide justice. The Security Council, the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT), the Rwandan and French states and Rwandan citizens are all embroiled in [the case] and have a stake in the outcome.’

Read the full article on the Al Jazeera website here and Dr Palmer’s recently published paper informing this work here.

Dr Palmer has also written for OpinioJuris and been interviewed for Turkish public broadcaster TRT and Al Jazeera News Hour.

Nicola Palmer is a Senior Lecturer in criminal law and the author of Courts in Conflict: Interpreting the Layers of Justice in Post-Genocide Rwanda.

In this story

Nicola Palmer

Reader in Criminal Law