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30 October 2020

What does the future hold for Germany's political centre?

The future of Germany's political centre was in focus for a webinar hosted by the Centre for German Transnational Relatons at King's College London.

The Centre for German Transnational Relations
The Centre for German Transnational Relations event took place on October 22.

The event, held on October 22, saw a group of academics discuss the development of political parties in Germany 30 years on from reunification.

Three speakers took part, Dr Sarah Elise Wiliarty (Wesleyan University), Professor Dan Hough (Sussex) and Professor Kai Arzheimer (Mainz). They discussed the developments in Germany's political landscape before answering questions from audience members. The moderator was Dr Isabelle Hertner, from the Department of European and International Studies at King’s College London.

Watch the webinar below

In this story

Isabelle Hertner

Senior Lecturer in Politics of Britain in Europe