26 November 2024
Unit work discussed at local authority learning event
Jess Harris presented emerging findings from the MCA study

The Homelessness and Mental Capacity study was pleased to discuss emerging research findings at a Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) learning event in London, where messages from a new SAR featuring the death of someone experiencing multiple exclusion homelessness (MEH) were shared with professionals from across services, and reflected on by invited researchers.
SAR author Karl Mason’s own research on assessments and MEH was presented recently at an HSCWRU webinar, whilst Dr Caroline Shulman’s research on palliative care and MEH will be shared at the 25 March 2025 event in the HSCWRU webinar series.
Jess Harris also spoke recently to the Safeguarding Adults Board in Salford about findings from the earlier study (examining homelessness, self-neglect and safeguarding) that led to the current homelessness and MCA study.
Pictured: Karl Mason, SAR author and Senior Lecturer in Social Work, Royal Holloway, University of London; Dr Caroline Shulman, Inclusion Health Clinician and Researcher, UCL and Pathway; Jess Harris, KCL.