08 December 2023
Unit research features in Huck
The magazine cites Unit work on homelessness
The Homelessness Research Programme at King’s College London and findings from its NIHR SSCR funded study on homelessness, self-neglect and safeguarding are discussed in an article in Huck today.
Research Fellow Jess Harris spoke to @IsaacMuk about how the lived experience-led Museum of Homelessness helps to challenge the stigma faced by people experiencing homelessness. It offers a community of support that can also link individuals with services they might not otherwise be able, or choose, to access.
Huck is a London-based magazine, website and video platform which started in 2006 with a focus on surf and skate culture – since broadening its attention to other sub-cultures.
The final report from the Unit’s study, and a short animation of its main messages, will be launched in the new year.
This publication
Muk, I. (2023) The activist museum fighting back against homelessness, Huck, 8 December.
Header image by the Museum of Homelessness