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21 February 2022

Unit Annual Report 2020-2021

The Report is edited by Jess Harris and Jill Manthorpe

Logo of a research unit

The Unit’s Annual Report­, published today, is a double annual report. It tells the story of the Unit over the past two pandemic years. Jill Manthorpe remarks:

Any annual report for the years 2020 and 2021 will struggle for new words to describe this time. It was and remains a period of loss, distress, stress with huge demands being made on the health and social care workforce and many losing their lives. We will all never forget these two years.

from the Director's Report

Edited by Research Fellow Jess Harris and Prof Manthorpe, the Report details the 60 research projects Unit staff have either led or participated in as team members. It lists over 200 publications on which those staff have been authors. We have also made some 401 presentations to health care workers, social workers, social care practitioners, health and care service managers, policy makers, academics, students, patients, service users and family carers. And our research has reached wider audiences over this period, including via the BBC.

For more about the Unit's wide-ranging contribution to research, policy and practice in health and social care workforce topics, please download the Report below.

This publication

Harris, J & Manthorpe, J (eds) (2022) The Health & Social Care Workforce Research Unit Annual Report 2020–2021, London: NIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce, The Policy Institute, King's College London.

In this story

Jess Harris

Research Fellow

Jill Manthorpe

Professor Emerita of Social Work