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30 May 2024

Student part of winning team at annual competition

A student from the School of Politics and Economics was part of a team that came up with a winning solution to a problem posed at an international competition.


King’s student Isha Garg (BSc economics) was part of a four-person team which took part in the Borderless competition, which brings together students from King’s College London and the University of Queensland.

The teams are tasked with solving a policy problem and must produce a novel solution for a panel of judges.

This year, students were asked to reflect on the current state of the UK and Australian housing rental market, identifying the relevant economic issues driving affordability issues. Using economic theory, teams were asked to develop practical policy advice that could be implemented by governments in the short, medium and long term.

The competition was launched in 2020 as a means of supporting the development of transferable and employability skills by creating an opportunity to work together towards a common project on contemporary topics. The organisers aimed to create an opportunity for students to develop their leadership skills, enrich their CVs and foster a sense of teamwork across the globe.

Isha’s teammates were: Nhan Nguyen, Lars Engen and Peiyuan Qiao, from the University of Queensland.