We get the 'talk' when we're about to start our periods, but not when we they stop. The hush-hush surrounding the menopause has to stop. We are proud to be working in this space and hope that CoolZEN will be a game-changer in the way women manage and treat their menopausal symptoms.
Shreya Kalyanasundaram, co-founder
03 June 2021
Student-led start-up winner of Greater London region for F-Factor startup competition
The student founders Shreya Kalyanasundaram and Nitya Dintakurti have won multiple competitions for their device, which they say addresses a currently unmet clinical need

A novel wearable medical device, CoolZEN, developed by undergraduate Biomedical Engineering students Nitya Dintakurti and Shreya Kalyanasundaram, has won the Greather London regional round of the F Factor competition, a UK-wide startup competition for under 25 year olds.
CoolZen will be showcased at Founders Forum London June 17 with the other regional winners and will go to The F Factor National Final at London Tech Week in September to pitch for £10,000 of equity-free cash.
CoolZEN is a non-invasive, wearable medical device for menopausal women suffering from hot flashes, which automatically detects the onset of a hot flash and leverages a natural physiological response to bring relief.
It provides a solution to a problem where there are very few non-pharmaceutical solutions.
The students say CoolZEN will not only help alleviate the effects of Hot Flashes, but also help restore equality in the workplace, give back mid-aged women their confidence, and improve productivity.
It has been wonderful and inspiring to work on such a massive unmet clinical need. Winning the F Factor regionals has further strengthened our mission and drive to revolutionize the field of menopause. We are so excited for what’s in store in the future for CoolZEN.
Nitya Dintakurti, co-founder
The true value of education lies in giving our students purpose. Shreya and Nitya found their true calling during their BEng program - of solving an unmet clinical need with frugal engineering. We hope to put coolZEN in hands of women soon. We need more women-led enterprises like them.
Professor Prashant Jha, Head of Affordable Medical Technologies, School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences
The students also won the Idea Factory competition earlier this year.
The F Factor is a UK-wide startup competition underpinned with active entrepreneurship education for under 25 year old to harness cutting-edge innovation and shape them into solutions for the world’s most pressing problems.
The judges were very impressed and thought CoolZEN was a very innovative idea and a seemingly very unique product.
F Factor Team