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20 December 2016

The exclusive club of the global rich is seeing its membership gate-crashed by an increasing number of people from developing countries.

The exclusive club of the global rich is seeing its membership gate-crashed by an increasing number of people from developing countries.

This rise of emerging economies is making fundamental changes to the global distribution of income.  Global inequality is beginning to decline from its historically-high levels, at the same time as the rich in emerging economies are breaking into the global elite.

Economists Paul Segal of King’s Department of International Development and Sudhir Anand of the University of Oxford have taken a new approach to analysing the global distribution of income – by using both household surveys and the new top incomes data derived from tax records – in order to produce a new picture of the global rich, who have previously been excluded from the data.

These are just a few of the new findings of their research report – Who are the Global Top 1%?’
