In November this year, we will be asking whether we are on track to deliver the Paris Agreement objective of staying within the two-degree guardrail – and we already know that we are not. So, the question is actually, what more do we need to do and how can it be done?
Dr Megan Bowman, King's College London
07 October 2021
Special edition podcast launches to cover climate issues in the lead up to COP26
Experts from Australia and the UK discuss the many challenges linked to climate change, particularly the immediate need for nations to take action at the upcoming global summit if we are to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

A new podcast has been launched to help prepare listeners for the ideas, issues and debates surrounding the “pivotal” 26th United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP26).
The COP26: we got this podcast covers what is happening with climate change, policy implementation, finance and adaptation as a means of understanding how nations across the globe can come together to solve these complex issues.
The series is hosted by Dr Megan Bowman, Director of the Climate Law and Governance Centre at King’s College London, and Dr Will Grant, Senior Lecturer at the Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science, Australian National University (ANU).
In the first episode, they are joined by Dr Tamsin Edwards, of King’s College London, and by Professor Mark Howden, of ANU, to explore why this particular summit is important for addressing climate change, compared with previous climate meetings.
"I think we are at a pivotal point," Dr Bowman comments. "The importance of COP26 plays into this discussion because it is the most importance climate summit since the landmark Paris Agreement was agreed at COP21, back in 2015."
Professor Mark Howden outlines how the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is involved and how the climate negotiation process works. He suggests there is hope for action on climate change but there is still work to be done at the political level.
We’re seeing an amazing uptake in climate change concern and desire for action amongst the public. What we haven’t done is convert the desire for action and the need for action into action. So, we have an action gap and largely that’s at the political level, rather than the individual or science institutional level.
Professor Mark Howden, Australian National University
Meanwhile, Dr Tamsin Edwards explains the effectiveness of tone when communicating climate science, to students as well as professionals and the public.
“Some groups and public audiences will really respond to emotion but sometimes business leaders want the more plain-speaking version.”
To find out more, listen and subscribe
Find the full episodes on our youtube channel, or by searching for "COP26: we got this".
The COP26: we got this podcast is produced by King’s College London and The Australian National University Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions.
It was produced as part of the King's COP26 Engagement Fund; which comprises of the King's Australia Partnership Seed Fund and the Menzies Australia Institute.