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26 October 2022

Social work & homelessness – event report

Over 230 people attended this event held to discuss Unit research with stakeholders

A bench with a person's belongings on and about it

Today’s webinar on Social Work & Homelessness brought together 237 participants to reflect on emerging messages from the Unit’s NIHR SSCR Homelessness & self-neglect study and to collectively discuss ideas for developments in social work training and practice and within multi-disciplinary working, informed by this research evidence.

The presentation of study findings by Jess Harris was responded to by six invited discussants: Matthew Bawden, Organisational lead for social care at St Mungo’s; Jane Cook, National Health & Homelessness Adviser for the DLUHC Rough Sleeping Initiative; Maddie Tait, a homelessness Social Worker in the City of London; Karl Mason, Lecturer in Social Work at Royal Holloway, University of London; Ruth Allen, Chief Executive of the British Association of Social Workers (BASW); and Lyn Romeo, the Chief Social Worker for Adults, from the DHSC.

Participants thanked all the speakers for their wide-ranging insights and reflections, and for a ‘very interesting, thought provoking and insightful event’, ‘encouraging, informative and inspiring’. Speakers’ presentations are available here and future events in the HSCWRU Homelessness series will be listed shortly here.

In this story

Jess Harris

Research Fellow

Research Fellow

Michelle Cornes

Visiting Professorial Fellow

Jill Manthorpe

Professor Emerita of Social Work

Stan Burridge

Expert Focus

Bruno Ornelas

Rough Sleeping Adviser, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

Michela Tinelli

London School of Economics