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21 May 2021

School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences Research Excellence Framework Submission 2021

This year, stellar individuals contributed to a very strong submission by the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences

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The REF is the system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions. Conducted every 7 years, "for each submission, three distinct elements are assessed: the quality of outputs (e.g. publications, performances, and exhibitions), their impact beyond academia, and the environment that supports research." 

This year, stellar individuals contributed to a very strong submission by the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences. We are confident this submission will ensure the continuation of world-class researchers joining our School, to deliver transformative healthcare technologies that really make a difference. 

An outcome is expected by April 2022. 

The REF 2021 submission was an immense display of world-class collaboration, and we are very proud for the fantastic submission this year. REF is an important financial vehicle to ensure sustained excellence in research and translational technologies that make a difference. I thank all who contributed.

Professor Sebastien Ourselin, Head of School, Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences

REF 2021 Unit of Assessment 12 (Engineering) submission:

Outputs (60% of return): From well over 400 proposed research outputs on PURE, we have submitted 224 eligible outputs that have been authored or co-authored by 98.4 FTEs or 103 members of staff (with an output reduction request of 22 outputs).

All outputs and their 100-word statements were reviewed and scored three times, and any scored borderline 4*/3* papers were further ranked by the REF oversight group, with final attributions to individual staff members done using the PURE optimisation so as to maximise the aggregate score across the entire unit.

Following the College’s REF code of practice, all returned staff have been informed in April 2021 which of their co-/authored outputs have been included in the submission.

Impact case studies (25% of return): We have submitted 8 impact case studies, which were reviewed by the impact case study oversight group and cross-faculty staff. Our case studies reflect the breadth of our translational work that has fed into new products, created new jobs, and efficient clinical services for NHS and other healthcare systems.

Environment statement (15% of return): The submitted environment statement complements the overall College environment statement, summarising and highlighting the research activities over the REF period, and setting out the future research strategy for King’s Engineering, including the School’s.

Immense gratitude is extended to the following key teams:

Oversight groups and team

Output oversight group:

Professor Julia Schnabel (joint chair)

Professor Seb Ourselin (joint chair)

Professor Phil Blower

Professor Serena Counsell

Dr Andy King

Dr Panagiotis Kosmas

Dr Michelle Ma

Professor Charalampos Makatsoris

Dr Shaihan Malik

Dr Claudia Prieto

Professor Kawal Rhode

Professor Barbara Shollock

Professor Osvaldo Simeone

Professor Alistair Young

Impact case study oversight group and ICS leads:

Professor Prashant Jha (joint chair)

Professor Seb Ourselin (joint chair)

Professor Bashir Al-Hashimi

Professor Sally Barrington

Dr Christos Bergeles

Professor Rene Botnar

Professor Amedeo Chiribiri

Dr Rachel Clough

Professor Vicky Goh

Professor Jo Hajnal

Professor Stephen Keevil

Professor Paul Marsden

Professor Tom Vercauteren

Professor Alistair Young

Environment statement:

Professor Seb Ourselin, with Dr Rahima Begum

REF UoA12team

Dr Rahima Begum

Dr Rachel Daniel

Seb Kay-Gould

Shalini Theivendran

Ginnie Elgar (until 3/2020)

REF College / Panel B team:

Rahul Ghosh

Jo Lakey

Professor Reza Razavi

David Richards