03 April 2018
Dr Rosa Mucignat wins PEGS prize 2017
Comparative Literature department member Rosa Mucignat wins PEGS prize 2017
The Comparative Literature Department at King’s College are pleased to learn that Dr Rosa Mucignat has been awarded the English Goethe Society’s 2017 PEGS Prize for an outstanding article in the previous year’s issues of the journal Publications of the English Goethe Society (PEGS). The award is for the article ‘Tasso and the Quest for Modern Epic: Goethe’s Torquato Tasso and Leopardi’s Operette morali’, which appeared in PEGS 85.1 (2016), pp. 28-39.
The editors were impressed by the clear demonstration of the importance of Tasso for Goethe and Leopardi, as a focal point for their reflections about the situation of poetry in modernity, and in particular its relation to modern structures of political power. Our congratulations go to Rosa an excellent article and on this prize.
(Aug 2022 - The Comparative Literature Department is now the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures).