01 June 2016
Random Waves in London
The workshop, Random Waves in London, took place from the 3 - 5 May 2016 at King's College London and brought together researchers from all over the world interested in various subjects lying at the interface of probability theory, spectral problems and number theory. The conference was organised by Dr Jerry Buckley and Dr Igor Wigman from the Department of Mathematics at King’s College London and Professor Zeev Rudnick from Tel Aviv University.

The conference was very well attended and speakers included established experts such as Dmitry Belyaev, Manjunath Krishnapur, Par Kurlberg, Domenico Marinucci, Joaquim Ortega-Cerdà, Giovanni Peccati, Gabriel Rivière and Mikhail Sodin along with emerging young researchers such as Valentina Cammarota, Yaiza Canzani, Steve Lester, Alexander Logunov, Maurizia Rossi and Nadav Yesha.
There was also a presentation by Analema Group led by Evgenia Emets, on the inter-relationship between mathematics, and in particular the mathematics discussed at the conference, and art both in general and the specific art produced by this group.
A highlight of the workshop was the announcement by Alexander Logunov of significant progress he has made towards resolving Yau's conjecture - a proof of the lower bound.
The conference was funded by the ERC through Igor Wigman's grant Nodal Lines.