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09 March 2021

Radio report looks closely at Government's plans to 'level-up'

Professor Anand Menon returned to his home city in Yorkshire recently for a special report into the Government’s ‘levelling-up’ agenda.

Podcast by
Levelling Up Wakefield is available on BBC Sounds.

Prof Menon, from the Department of European and International Studies, spoke to residents in Wakefield about what help they needed most, looked closely at what was hindering investment into the city, and spent time in communities that had been left stranded by poor infrastructure for a BBC Radio 4 investigation.

Prof Menon also spoke to business leaders and councillors about the challenges facing the city and their hopes for the future as the Government bids to revitalise the UK economy in a post Brexit and COVID world.

Levelling Up Wakefield is available on BBC Sounds here.

In this story

Anand  Menon

Professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs