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31 May 2016

Professor Mischa Dohler appears on CNBC

“ICT accounts for 2% of global energy budget.” - Professor Mischa Dohler

Professor Mischa Dohler
Professor Mischa Dohler

Professor Mischa Dohler, head of King’s College London’s Centre for Telecommunications Research on 5G and the Tactile Internet, discussed the societal benefits of 5G technologies with CNBC’s James Wright. The discussion, which was part of CNBC’s ‘Changing the world with tech’ focussed on the impact of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and its role in sustainable energy.

So how can ICT lower the aforementioned figure and tackle the very clear issues of sustainability? Professor Dohler believes that this can be done through 5G technologies. With the rise of the tactile internet, teleportation of skills from one place to another becomes a reality, for example a surgeon in LA could carry out a procedure in China, lowering the overall carbon footprint.

In part 1 of the series, the rise of ICT in Africa and what that means for the continent was also discussed.  Professor Dohler states that in spite of a diverse landscape, the potential for growth is vast. Africa could ‘jump’ issues raised by legacy infrastructure such as banks, food and clothes stores that ICT development and innovation in places such as Europe is hindered by. “A phone becomes a one-stop shop with capabilities such as internet banking, ordering products online & communication.”

Professor Dohler ends the discussion with mention of the need now to transform ‘big data into big action’ which is very much in line with King’s College London’s own plans. When asked for a prediction of society in a hundred years he said “the ability to transpose our environment & teleport all the human senses - touch, smell & taste.”

In this story

Mischa Dohler

Visiting Professor