It is a real honour to have been selected to present the G. Heiner Sell Lecture in 2023, particularly as this is the 50th Anniversary year for ASIA. I am honoured to join the list of previous recipients of this award, many of whom are inspirational figures in our field and scientific heroes of mine!
Professor Elizabeth Bradbury, Professor of Regenerative Medicine & Neuroplasticity at King’s IoPPN
28 April 2023
Professor Elizabeth Bradbury receives the 2023 American Spinal Injury Association G. Heiner Sell Lectureship Award
Professor Elizabeth Bradbury was awarded the 2023 G. Heiner Sell Lectureship by the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) at the 50th Annual Scientific Meeting.

As Lectureship awardee, Professor Bradbury delivered the G. Heiner Sell lecture titled 'Regenerating the Injured Spinal Cord: From Molecules to Man' at the ASIA Annual Scientific Meeting, which took place on 17-19 April 2023 in Atlanta, United States.
The Lectureship was inaugurated in 1982 to memorialise Dr Sell, the ASIA President-Elect, following his passing. The lecture is the opening keynote talk of the annual meeting and is commonly given by US-based clinicians. Professor Bradbury made history this year as the first European female awardee of this lectureship.
Elizabeth Bradbury is Professor of Regenerative Medicine & Neuroplasticity, Co-Head of Department in the Wolfson Centre for Age-Related Disease (CARD) and group leader of the Spinal Cord and Brain Repair Group. Research in her lab focuses on understanding the biology of nervous system injury and repair and developing therapies to restore function following trauma, with a particular interest in scarring, extracellular matrix modification and neuroplasticity after spinal cord injury.
She currently leads a dynamic programme of research with two main themes: translational research to develop novel regenerative therapies for repairing tissue and restoring function following spinal cord and brain injury, and mechanistic research to understand injury and repair processes at the cell and molecular level.
ASIA was created in 1973 by a group of physicians and other medical professionals engaged in the treatment of spinal cord injury. The group works together to exchange ideas to establish a model for care delivery for individuals with spinal cord injury.
For more information, please contact Annora Thoeng (School of Neuroscience Senior Communications and Engagement Officer).