17 April 2019
Professor Brian Holden-Reid wins the Samuel Eliot Morison Prize
The prize is awarded in recognition of significant scholarly contributions in the field of military history

We are delighted to announce that Brian Holden-Reid, Professor of American History and Military Institutions, has been awarded the prestigious The Samuel Eliot Morison Prize by the Society for Military History.
About the Prize
The Samuel Eliot Morison Prize is awarded in recognition of a body of contributions in the field of military history, extending over time and reflecting a spectrum of scholarly activity contributing significantly to the field.
Professor Holden-Reid said, “I was delighted to receive news of my winning – it came as a very pleasant surprise. Although it is personally gratifying, I see the prize as underlining the value and importance of military history within the context of War Studies as well as History in general.”
He added, “The founder of our Department, Sir Michael Howard, won the prize about 25 years ago. I hope other historians in King’s War Studies will strive to win it too – I shall be cheering them on.”
About the Society for Military History
The Society for Military History was established in 1933 and its membership has included many of the world's most prominent scholars, soldiers, and citizens interested in military history.