I am delighted that Bashir will be taking up this position from next year, bringing with him extensive experience in the higher education sector and a distinguished career. I look forward to working with Bashir to continue to drive forward our research impact, building on our strengths to deliver the university's strategic goals.
Professor Shitij Kapur, President & Principal at King's
11 October 2022
Professor Bashir M. Al-Hashimi appointed Vice President (Research & Innovation)
Professor Bashir M. Al-Hashimi has been appointed Vice President (Research & Innovation) at King's effective from 1 January 2023. He will succeed Professor Reza Razavi who will be stepping down after five years in the role.

Currently Executive Dean of Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences (NMES), a position he has held since 2019, Bashir brings a wealth of experience, including a 30-year career across academia and industry and recognition as one of the world's most distinguished computer engineers.
Bashir was awarded a CBE in 2018 for services to engineering and industry. He was elected both as a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and as a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, and in 2021, was also elected as a Royal Academy of Engineering Board Trustee.
Bashir has served as a panel member for both the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 and REF2014.
In his new role, Bashir will be responsible for developing and implementing the university's Research strategy, overseeing new research initiatives, and continuing to foster inter-faculty and multidisciplinary ways of working.
President & Principal, Professor Shitij Kapur said: "I am delighted that Bashir will be taking up this position from next year, bringing with him extensive experience in the higher education sector and a distinguished career.
"Research at King's is truly world-leading and pioneering, making a defining contribution to knowledge with purpose that is benefitting and impacting on society. My sincere thanks to Reza for his work over the last five years in driving forward the development of our research environment and infrastructure, for which impacts were demonstrated most recently by our impressive REF 2021 results which he also led the university’s submission to.
“I look forward to working with Bashir to continue to drive forward our research impact, building on our strengths to deliver the university's strategic goals."
King’s is one of the world’s great universities and I am truly honoured to serve as its new Vice President (Research & Innovation). King’s Strategy 2026 places research excellence and innovation at the heart of the institutional academic mission throughout all our Health and Arts & Sciences faculties. I am delighted by this opportunity to contribute to the university’s future research and impact development and success and to make a positive difference worldwide.
Professor Bashir M. Al-Hashimi
Recruitment for an Interim Executive Dean for the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences will commence shortly.