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14 June 2023

New school strategy unveiled at launch event

A vision for how the School of Politics and Economics can build on its strengths and develop in the future was set out at the launch of the school’s new strategy.

Professor Peter John, head of the School of Politics and Economics. Picture: SPE

The strategy identifies several areas of priority for the school - including development of the post-graduate research offering, greater representation at university level, research impact, and a renewed focus on equality and diversity - with a plan to drive progress in these areas over a five-year period.

Work on designing the strategy was led by Professor Peter John, head of the school, and Dr Virginia Preston, head of school administration, in consultation with academic staff, members of the professional services team and the student cohort.

The launch took place on 13 June at King’s and saw Prof John present the strategy to staff from across the Department of European and International Studies, Department of Political Economy, King’s Russia Institute and Institute of Middle Eastern Studies, as well as the wider Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy.

Professor Linda McKie, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy, offered her comments by way of response along with Professor Adam Fagan, Vice President (Education and Student Success) and staff were offered the opportunity to ask questions too.

Professor Linda McKie, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy. Picture: SPE

Prof John said: “It was wonderful to have so many colleagues join us for the launch and to finally be able to share this strategy which, we hope, reflects the outstanding work that is taking place across the school as well as offering reflections on what we can build on and improve for the future.

“I want to say ‘than you’ again to everyone who has been a part of the process of engaging with and creating this strategy. I look forward to bringing these plans to fruition in the years ahead.”

You can read the strategy in full here.

In this story

Head of School Administration, School of Politics & Economics

Peter John

Head of the School of Politics and Economics and Professor of Public Policy