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23 November 2020

New research to examine student nurses educational experiences during COVID-19

The study will assess how education prepared student nurses for clinical placement during pandemic.

students wearing face coverings in a classroom

Researchers at King’s College London are part of a collaboration investigating the experiences of student nurses on placement in the NHS during the COVID-19 pandemic.

COV-ed Nurse is a UK-wide study focusing on the impact of student nurse education before and during the pandemic, and has received a substantial research grant of £494,660 from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) as part of the UK Research and Innovation’s rapid response to COVID-19. The study is being led by Oxford School of Nursing and Midwifery at Oxford Brookes University.

The research team is now recruiting a sample of student nurses from across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Participants will complete a short survey and record a series of audio diaries detailing their day to day experiences. The research team will then conduct in-depth interviews with each student nurse. Student nurses who would like to take part in the study should visit the project website to register their interest.

Student nurses a vital part of the NHS response

The pandemic has accelerated thousands of student nurses entering the workplace. We can learn from their experiences and develop their education, to support them make the transition and stay the course once they qualify.

Professor Dame Anne Marie Rafferty, President of the Royal College of Nursing and Professor of Nursing Policy

Student nurses are a vital part of the NHS response to this pandemic. It’s essential we understand more about how effective their educational experiences were in preparing them for this huge challenge. Learning how student nurses can be best supported and prepared for practice must make a difference to how teaching is delivered in the future.

Dr Mary Malone, Director of the Oxford School of Nursing and Midwifery at Oxford Brookes University and Principal Investigator

Pan-UK research team for project

A team of senior researchers in the Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care King’s will contribute to the project: Professor Anne Marie Rafferty, Dr Anne Jones and Dr Lynne Sayer. The project will also bring together experts from seven other universities: Oxford Brookes University, University of Birmingham, University of Dundee, Cardiff University, Coventry University, Manchester Metropolitan University and the University of Ulster. The Royal College of Nursing and the Nursing and Midwifery Council form part of the study’s Advisory Group.

Investigating how nurse education prior to and during COVID-19 prepares nurses for their work in the pandemic: an analysis of what works is led by Dr Mary Malone and funded by the Economic and Social Research Council through UK Research and Innovation.

In this story

Anne Marie Rafferty

Professor of Nursing Policy

Senior Lecturer in Nursing Education