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15 August 2022

New Professor of Palliative Care & Child Health

Lorna Fraser, a world-leading researcher in child health and palliative care, has been appointed Professor of Palliative Care & Child Health at King's College London.

Lorna Fraser

Lorna will lead impactful, high-quality research and education to advance child health at the Cicely Saunders Institute of Palliative Care, Policy & Rehabilitation. She will also hold a post within the School of Life Course & Population Sciences at King's.

Lorna's research focuses on children and young people. She is the founding Director of the highly successful Martin House Research Centre -  a multi-disciplinary centre for research on the care and support of children and young people with life-limiting conditions or medical complexity, their families and the workforce that cares for them. She has a portfolio of funding from the major funders, including two National Institute for Health and Care Research Fellowships. Her main area of expertise is the use of routine data to influence policy and address healthcare inequalities, including identifying children most at risk of severe disease in COVID-19. Her work has influenced national service specifications, children's palliative care funding, and vaccine prioritisation for children with COVID.

Professor Richard Harding, Director of the Cicely Saunders Institute for Palliative Care, Policy & Rehabilitation, Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care, said: "Professor Fraser brings an important clinical academic programme of child and family-focused research. We are excited to further develop our international programme of outcomes-focused children's palliative care research with her. As an epidemiologist with strong links to children's services UK-wide, she will play a key role in delivering on the mission of the Cicely Saunders Institute."  

This appointment boosts our Faculty's strengths in child health, to build on King's outstanding Research Excellence Framework results. It enriches our world-leading expertise in palliative care and child health, our collaborations with the Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine at King's, partnerships across King's Health Partners and children's health and social care services across the UK.

Professor Irene Higginson, Executive Dean, Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care

We are delighted that Professor Fraser will be joining King’s and bringing her outstanding strengths in child health and epidemiology to the Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine, and School of Life Course & Population Sciences. She will play an important role across Faculties and Institutes, and lead world-class research to improve child health outcomes.

Dr Ingrid Wolfe, Director of the Institute for Women’s and Children’s Health, King's Health Partners and Reader in Paediatrics & Child Health, School of Life Course & Population Sciences.

In this story

Richard  Harding

Interim Executive Dean, Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care at King's College London

Irene Higginson

Director of Better Health and Care Futures

Ingrid Wolfe

Professor of Paediatrics and Child Population Health