08 February 2024
New perspectives on hoarding behaviours... from psychology, law & social care
A recording and the slides from this event are available

Around 680 people attended an online half-day conference presented by Making Research Count and the NIHR Health and Social Care Workforce Research Unit at King's College London on 1 February 2024.
Recording and slides from 1 February
A recording (1hr 24min) is available on the Unit's YouTube channel (this has been edited down to the presentations only). The slides are available for download below:
- Nick Neave (Northumbria University): The Hoarding Research Group & UK Hoarding Partnership
- Tim Spencer-Lane (Government Legal Department; Kingston University): Self-neglect, hoarding, executive functioning and the law
- Jennifer Owen (King's College London) & Maria Brent (Kingston University): Decluttering support for people with hoarding behaviours: A service and intervention built on trust
- Sam Wainman (University of Birmingham): Collaboration, technology, and support in hoarding
The event was chaired by James Blewett of Making Research Count.
Unit work
Recent related Unit work, all funded by the NIHR School for Social Care Research:
- Social care responses to self-neglect and hoarding among older people: What works in practice? (includes published evidence reviews on hoarding behaviour and on self-neglect)
- Decluttering the homes of people with hoarding behaviours: Local authority commissioning, professional practices, and user experiences (project which Jen Owen and Maria Brent discussed on 1 February)
- Understanding and improving training offers for professionals working with people with hoarding behaviours
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Related departments
- NIHR Health & Social Care Workforce Research Unit
- Social care responses to self-neglect and hoarding among older people: What works in practice?
- Decluttering the homes of people with hoarding behaviours: Local authority commissioning, professional practices, and user experiences
- Understanding and improving training offers for professionals working with people with hoarding behaviours