23 May 2024
New book casts light on Eurozone's economic divides
The global financial crisis of 2008 proved an enormous test for the Eurozone shortly after its foundation, exposing sharp economic divides between members states in the north and south of the continent.

Little more than a decade later, the Eurozone was again shaken by the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic…but were European economies and societies better placed to weather the storm?
A new book authored by King’s College London academic, Dr Konstantinos Myrodias examines how the Eurozone navigated both economic crises and its approach to addressing the rising macroeconomic imbalances in Europe, with special emphasis on the experiences of Greece and Portugal.
Dr Myrodias, a lecturer in International Political Economy at King’s, also addresses the extent to which the Eurozone has become more resilient and explores the lessons learned in the wake of these crises.
More information about the book, published by Palgrave Macmillan, is available here: The Political Economy of the Eurozone’s Rollercoaster.
Praise for The Political Economy of the Eurozone’s Rollercoaster
“Dr Myrodias makes an important contribution by showing how the response to the recent crises solidified Greece and Portugal’s subordinate position in the Eurozone. This was part-engineered in the interests of northern European economies – a dismaying replay of how European colonial states earlier engineered the dependent status of their colonies to boost their own economic growth and political power. Plus ça change…”
- Robert H. Wade, Professor of Political Economy, London School of Economics (LSE) Leontief Prize for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought (2008)
“Dr Myrodias’ concise and brisk analysis of the fate of Greece and Portugal in recent crises has numerous distinctive virtues. Of these, the most important is that Dr Myrodias frames the core issues as matters of economic theory. A more compelling test of theoretical economics is difficult to imagine.”
- James K. Galbraith, Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr. Chair in Government/Business Relations and Professor of Government, University of Texas at Austin
“The Euro Area has lurched from crisis to crisis in the near quarter of a century since its foundation. In this fascinating overview Dr Myrodias takes us carefully through these events that have at various times threatened its very existence.”
- Jagjit S. Chadha, Director of the National Institute of Economic & Social Research (NIESR), London, UK