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19 August 2020

Menzies Australia Institute appoints new Chair of Advisory Board

The Menzies Australia Institute is pleased to announce the appointment of Elizabeth Ames as the Chair of its Advisory Board.

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The Menzies Australia Institute is pleased to announce the appointment of Elizabeth Ames as the Chair of its Advisory Board. Elizabeth replaces John Dauth AO, who took up the Chair in 2015 following his term as Australia’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom.



Elizabeth Ames
Elizabeth Ames

Under John’s leadership the Institute built its public profile and research expertise through high-level events with visiting Australian scholars such as Professor Shaun Ewen and Dr Iribinna Rigney, and leading political figures including Julia Gillard, Julie Bishop and Kim Beazley.

Most recently, John has supported the Institute through its move from KCL’s Faculty of Arts & Humanities to its new location within the faculty of Social Science and Public Policy’s School of Global Affairs. The appointment of Elizabeth as the first female Chair of the Advisory Board marks another milestone for the Institute as it develops its new strategic plan with a renewed focus on research, teaching and public engagement.

Elizabeth extended her sincere thanks to John for his support during her time as a Board Member noting:

John’s dedication to the Menzies Australia Institute and the promotion of Australian Studies in the United Kingdom is just the latest example of his long and exemplary commitment to public service. I am grateful for the opportunity to take on the leadership of the Institute as it develops its new strategic plan and am looking forward to ensuring that it remains at the heart of the bilateral relationship between the UK and Australia.

Elizabeth Ames

The Head of the School of Global Affairs, Professor Bronwyn Parry, also registered her thanks to John for his careful leadership of the MAI and welcomed Elizabeth warmly to her new role: "I’m thrilled that Elizabeth is taking up the role of Menzies Chair. Her considerable expertise in trade, commerce and international relations makes her ideally placed to lead the MAI through its latest phase of work addressing some of the world’s most significant global challenges, building on the fantastic work already achieved by John Dauth and the team".

Along with the appointment of a new chair the Menzies Institute also welcomed Dr Mimi Zou, University of Oxford, as a new Board Member.

In this story

Elizabeth Ames

Chair of the Advisory Board of the Menzies Australia Institute

Mimi Zou

Member of the Advisory Board of Menzies Australia Institute