Matthew Maddocks brings an important clinical academic programme of research, developing and testing interventions to assess and manage the distressing symptoms facing patients and families. As an academic physiotherapist, he will play a key role in delivering on the mission of the Cicely Saunders Institute. We are delighted to have him as a member of our academic team that spans nursing, medicine, social work and allied health professionals.
Professor Richard Harding, Director of the Cicely Saunders Institute for Palliative Care, Policy & Rehabilitation, Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care
14 July 2022
Matthew Maddocks promoted to Professor Health Services Research & Rehabilitation
Matthew Maddocks, a Reader in Health Services Research, and a world-leading researcher on the intersections between rehabilitation and palliative care has been appointed Professor of Health Services Research & Rehabilitation at King’s College London.

Matthew will play a pivotal role in leading multi-disciplinary health care research, public involvement, and education at the Cicely Saunders Institute of Palliative Care, Policy & Rehabilitation at King's.
Matthew joined the Cicely Saunders Institute in 2011 as a National Institute for Health and Care Research fellow. Over the last 10 years, he has built a successful programme of research that tackles difficult to manage symptoms and syndromes, especially in chronic respiratory disease and cancer. This research improves rehabilitation policy and practice to support the independence of people affected by serious illness and improve their quality of life for patients and families.
Matthew has brought major research funding to King’s, including further NIHR fellowships and project grants. In 2021 Professor Maddocks was awarded a European Respiratory Society (ERS) Mid-Career Gold Medal for Allied Health Professionals for his excellent track record and the potential for further outstanding developments within his field.
He plans to lead pragmatic effectiveness trials of complex interventions, partnering with the Nightingale-Saunders Clinical Trials Unit, find ways to improve how people with serious illnesses can function in their surrounding environment, and incorporate economic evaluations into clinical studies to understand how rehabilitation can change health and care requirements and costs. He will also develop evidence-led content on ‘enablement and adaptation’ to enhance the Faculty’s undergraduate and postgraduate education portfolio, to equip the workforce to meet the priorities of our changing population.
This appointment boosts our Faculty’s strengths in applied and allied health research and impact, to build on King’s outstanding results in the REF202. It enriches our world-leading expertise in the care and research into symptom management and frailty, and in our partnerships across King’s Health Partners, including with the Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals, where Professor Maddocks already has pioneered productive research collaboration.
Professor Irene Higginson OBE, Executive Dean, Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care