18 December 2015
Leverhulme Trust success for ancient and Byzantine emotions research network
The Leverhulme Trust has awarded funds to a research network involving King's College London on ancient and Byzantine emotions.

The Leverhulme Trust has awarded funds to a research network involving King's College London on ancient and Byzantine emotions. Dr Ioannis Papadogiannakis will be working on this project from the Department of Theology & Religious Studies at King's. The application was submitted by Professor Douglas Cairns (Edinburgh) and Dr Aglaia Pizzone (Geneva) who will be the main administrators. The universities involved are: Edinburgh, Vienna, Cyprus, Geneva and King's College London.
Please find more information about the project below, which officially starts on 1 March 2016.
Emotions through time: from antiquity to Byzantium
This network will explore the complex interactions between ancient and Byzantine emotion, bridging a gap in emotion history. It combines the methodologies of Classics and Byzantine studies, of Medieval Studies and emotion history. It will shed new light on the Byzantine emotional universe and its impact on medieval and early modern culture and illuminate ancient emotions by investigating their reception in Byzantium. The network will not confine itself to texts, but will explore broad phenomena such as visual and material culture, performance, ritual, and the creation of cultural landscapes.