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14 December 2022

Latest edition of the Nuclear Security Briefing Book (NSBB) published

To reflect latest developments in nuclear security, an updated edition of the Nuclear Security Briefing Book (NSBB) has been published.

Aerial view power plant, combined cycle power plant electricity generating station industry.

Compiled by academics at King’s College London, the objective of the NSBB is to provide readers with a comprehensive overview of the international nuclear security framework and its evolution. The NSBB includes information on nuclear and radioactive materials in order to explain the nature of the threat, and discusses international agreements and guidance most relevant to nuclear security. The NSBB also serves as a comprehensive reference manual by consolidating the texts of key international instruments, conventions and informal initiatives.

The latest edition of the NSBB builds on previous iterations by reflecting on the Nuclear Security Summit process which has now concluded, and charts more recent developments in the international nuclear security framework such as the Conference of the Parties to the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (A/CPPNM). Since the last edition of the NSBB was published, all original texts have been checked for updates, and new documents of relevance have been added. The NSBB continues to provide a vital resource for policy-makers, officials, practitioners and academics.

This edition of the NSBB was developed through the UK’s Nuclear Security Culture Programme (NSCP), implemented by an academia-industry consortium led by King’s College London and sponsored by the UK’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). Other consortium members include Nuclear Transport Solutions, a specialist nuclear transport company, and Amport Risk, a nuclear security and resilience consultancy. The authors are grateful for the support provided by UK Government under this programme. Hard copies of the handbook were handed out to delegates attending the A/CPPNM Conference which took place in March-April 2022 at the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna.

Alex Barrow – Nuclear Transport Solutions
Professor Wyn Bowen – King’s College London
Dr Matthew Cottee – King’s College London (formerly)
Professor Christopher Hobbs – King’s College London
Luca Lentini – King’s College London (formerly)
Professor Matthew Moran – King’s College London
Dr Sarah Tzinieris – King’s College London

In this story

Wyn Bowen

Head of the School of Security Studies

Christopher Hobbs

Director of the King’s Institute for Applied Security Studies

Matthew Moran

Head of the Department of War Studies

Sarah Tzinieris

Lecturer in Security Studies Education