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20 April 2021

King's team win awards at the Day of Crisis Moot Competition

Students from The Dickson Poon School of Law awarded 1st prize for Outstanding Written Submission and Final Oral Presentation.

Day of Crisis Moot

King's was represented by two teams at this year's event - Team R.E.G.G.I.E (Royal Expert Group on Global and Internal Emergencies) and Team LAWYION.

R.E.G.G.I.E featured current LMM students - Lina Santiago Bahia, Santiago Dutra, Carla Hibbert, Lucilla Gazziano and Victor Schmand - and LAWYION featured LLM Alumni - Maria Paula Patron, Klea Rozani, Nilaza Adhikari, and Laurence Hortas-Laberge.

The competition, organised by Université Paris Nanterre in collaboration with Simmons & Simmons, saw teams from six international universities participate in three negotiations involving treaty withdrawal, arms sales, and a contract choice-of-law clause, with further questions on the rights of whistleblowers in Africa.

Participating in the Day of Crisis Moot was truly a unique experience

The King’s Team

Team R.E.G.G.I.E came 1st for Outstanding Written Submissions, 1st for Final Oral Presentation, 2nd for Best Team, and 3rd for Negotiation. In Team LAWYION, Nilaza Adhikari won 3rd Best Oralist in the final plenary session.

The Day of Crisis Moot Competition was founded in 2012 by Professor Jean-Marc Thouvenin. It is a unique event that simulates a major international crisis and challenges teams to deal with the unfolding events over 24 hours.

The King’s team said the dynamic format of the competition "forces teams to plan, research and draft responses on new and changing topics within a matter of hours, and sometimes even less".

Topics at the competition included the responsibility of States supplying arms to Saudi Arabia, a whistleblowers detention in a Russian military camp, forced child labour in diamond mines, and an American cyber-espionage attack in China’s maritime zone.

The Day of Crisis concluded in a final negotiation that simulated a WHO plenary session, where teams discussed a draft resolution on climate change and pandemics.

Special thanks go to team coaches Sophia Schroeder, Myriam Gicquello, Mariasole Forlan for volunteering their time and sharing their expertise, and to Professor Philippa Webb and Professor Mihael Jeklic.

The King’s Team said, "the support of the coaches was vital in obtaining the result. Having the opportunity to discuss several international law topics with the coaches and participate in intense mock sessions allowed us to develop our written, oral, and time management skills."

In this story

Philippa Webb

Professor of Public International Law