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07 March 2024

King's secondary school teacher training is “Outstanding”

Initial Teacher Training (ITE) at King’s has been rated as “Outstanding” by Ofsted in its latest inspection.

Teacher talking to students in a classroom

Teacher training courses are “Outstanding”, offering a high-quality curriculum and a “first-class experience” for students, according to the latest report from Ofsted.

The new inspection said students are “exceptionally well-prepared for teaching in the real world” and it highlighted the strong collaboration between the trainee teachers, course leaders and schools.

The report also praised how the whole programme offered by King’s School of Education, Communication & Society (ECS) places an emphasis on meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Inspectors highlighted the positive relationship that King’s has with its partner schools and how well-prepared trainees were for their school placements.

They also said the programme is “skilfully designed, sequenced and delivered”. The course uses ‘Becoming a Teacher: issues in Secondary Education’, a research-informed book now in its sixth edition, written by current and former tutors on the programme. The report says this use of up-to-date research evidence, with trainees encouraged to be analytical in applying to their teaching, is one of the things that makes the King's programme distinctive.

We are delighted that the high quality of our teacher training has been recognised by Ofsted and they appreciate the excellence of our programme which means our students are extremely well prepared for teaching in the real world. This inspection report is well-deserved recognition of the dedication, hard work and expertise of our course tutors and leaders, and an endorsement of the exceptional quality of the support provided by our Professional Services staff.

Dr Simon Gibbons, Director of Teacher Education at King’s

The report looked at Initial Teacher Training (ITE) which covers the Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) route or the School Direct (non-salaried route). Teacher training offered at King’s covers Computing, English, Geography, Latin with Classics, Mathematics, Modern Foreign Languages, Religious Education and Science.

The inspectors found ITE at King’s was outstanding on education and training; leadership and management; and overall effectiveness.

For the inspection, Ofsted spoke to 41 secondary school trainee students, five early career teachers, visited 12 schools and reviewed a trainee survey and staff survey. The inspection also included focussed reviews on English, mathematics, science, geography and modern languages.

Find out more about King’s Initial Teacher Training programme.

In this story

Simon Gibbons

Reader in English Education Director of Teacher Education