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Crucial NHS staff still undervalued and 'invisible', report finds

Clinical support staff are crucial to the NHS but still feel undervalued and ‘invisible’ 10 years after a government-commissioned review highlighted ways to...

Worker helps patient with a walker

'Britain needs a China story': academic says current UK-China relations need be to viewed through the prism of history

Unfamiliarity with its own history is stopping the UK from developing a clear and pragmatic relationship with China, according to a leading expert, and author...

UK and china

Gone broke? Go woke

There are significant economic benefits to increasing inclusion, reducing discrimination, and alleviating poverty

Culture wars 1

Learning from the King's Parliamentary Research Internship

As part of her experience, Dr Lesley Williamson developed a policy brief on palliative and end-of-life care for people with dementia


King's welcomes Education Secretary to Education Embassy Conference

Ministers, diplomats, senior policy makers and representatives from across the higher education sector gathered at King's for the 12th Education Embassy...

Education Secretary at King's College London

Dr George Goodwin and Dr Miha Modic awarded King's Prize Fellowships

Two School of Neuroscience researchers have successfully obtained King's Prize Fellowships

Miha Modic George Goodwin King's Prize Fellowship

A climate finance policy playbook for the new UK government

A higher Capital Gains Tax rate for heavy carbon emitters and streamlined listings rules for green companies are just two of the urgent policy recommendations...

solar panels in a field

“My advisor told me not to do it – I did it anyway!” Nobel laureate tours King's

Pierre Agostini, 2023 Nobel Prize Winner for Physics, shares meditations on fame in science and the future of attosecond physics.

Pierre Agostini 4

New junior doctors paid too little, say half the public and three in five Labour voters

Though senior doctors are most commonly seen as being paid about the right amount


Double-header matches boost interest in women's cricket, study finds

Based on the results, the researchers argue for the introduction of mixed-gender cricket


Navigating the NHS, present and future

Annette Boaz, Irene Higginson and Mary Malone outline the challenges facing healthcare

NHS sign

Professor Snezhana Oliferenko elected to EMBO Membership

In EMBO’s 60th anniversary year, 100 new Members and 20 Associate Members join the EMBO community

Professor Snezhana Oliferenko

Two King's academics receive British Academy Fellowships

The British Academy announce Professor William Fitzgerald and Professor Toby Green as Fellows.

The British Academy

Smallholder farmers and efficient ranching practices critical to meet ambitious restoration targets in Brazil's Atlantic Forest

A new study led by King’s simulated the effects of various restoration policies to assess their impact on biodiversity and agricultural production.

Indigenous huts in the forest in Brazil


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