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06 December 2024

King's Neurolab launches new neurosurgical training programme

King’s NeuroLab (KNL) aims to inspire neurosurgical trainees to fulfil their clinical and academic potential by delivering regular hands-on human tissue dissection education and skills training.

Two surgeons in the operating theatre around an operating bed and looking at a screen

Since its inception in 2020 KNL have been working tirelessly to develop incredibly unique offerings and training opportunities.

Nothing is ever perfect, but at KNL we believe that if anything deserves the attainment of perfection, it is neurosurgical training. Average just isn’t good enough for the next generation of surgeons.

Mr Jonathan Shapey, Clinical Reader, Consultant Neurosurgeon, KCH training lead & KNL lead

KNL hopes to offer the best of both worlds and provide trainees with an experience that will enable them to understand not just anatomy but all the other things that contribute towards the smooth execution of surgery. This includes everything from how to pin the head and position the patient; the ergonomics of the microscope whilst doing an intradural clinoidectomy and how to use the O-arm for image guided pedicle screws.

"Like many others, we have ridden the wave of high-fidelity models, and we have dipped our toes in human tissue dissection work but ultimately we know this isn’t enough. For example, learning to approach and dissect an aneurysm on a synthetic box is great to start, but it lacks the ability to perform arachnoid dissection; similarly human tissue dissection-based teaching is amazing, but an anatomical dissection room is not the same as a theatre environment," says Mr Ahilan Kailaya-Vasan, Consultant Neurosurgeon, Clinical lead for Neurosurgery, Training Program director for neurosurgery training in South Thames & KNL lead.

Programme participants will benefit from small group training putting them front and centre, at the microscope, with a dedicated trainer performing a stage of the procedure.

Like all anatomy training, this programme depends on spiral learning and revisiting core concepts. KNL will offer sessions at regular intervals during the year rather than one-off, with the aim of consolidating knowledge.

KNL is situated in the mock operating room within the Department of Surgical & Interventional Engineering, King’s College London.

We know how tough it can be to source funding, therefore we are keeping all of our courses free of charge. We are grateful for the endless support from the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences, King’s College London and our industry sponsors enabling us to thrive and provide this service.

Mr Ahilan Kailaya-Vasan, Consultant Neurosurgeon, Clinical lead for Neurosurgery, Training Program director for neurosurgery training in South Thames & KNL lead

The following programmes are planned from December 2024 to July 2025.

  • Pterional
  • Orbito-Zygomatic
  • Retrosgimoid
  • Far Lateral
  • Endoscopic Endonasal
  • White Matter Tract dissection
  • Spinal Decompression
  • Spinal Instrumentation
  • Endoscopic Spinal Surgery

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