07 April 2020
King's Health Partners re-designated as Academic Health Sciences Centre
Over the next five years, King's Health Partners' work will focus on earlier detection, intervention and targeted prevention of disease.

King’s Health Partners has been re-designated as a National Institute for Health Research – NHS England/Improvement (NIHR-NHSE/I) Academic Health Sciences Centre (AHSC) with support from across the partnership and local healthcare system.
Over the next five years, King’s Health Partners’ work will focus on earlier detection, intervention and targeted prevention of disease. The partnership will aim to deliver sustainable health improvements to local communities, with an emphasis on tackling major risk factors for disease. Working with education and training teams, the partnership will ensure our workforce is equipped for the future of modern healthcare, skilled in Mind & Body care and able to manage the use of digital technologies and AI.
Professor Sir Robert Lechler, Executive Director of King’s Health Partners, said: 'Our distinctive strengths provide the strong foundations for our future. Over the past 10 years we have pioneered better health for all by bringing world-class research, education and clinical practice together for the benefit of patients and our communities.'
You can read more from Professor Sir Robert Lechler on the future of King’s Health Partners here.