King’s annual Global Day of Service is a great way of taking the Service ethos out into the world through volunteering. Giving back to society in this way not only has a positive impact on others but also improves your sense of wellbeing and belonging. Through volunteering, we can build stronger connections among our students, staff and alumni.
Momin Saqib, Alumni, KCLSU President (2017-18) and Engagement Officer (Vision 2029)
26 February 2021
Take part in King's Global Day of Service this March
Volunteer during March and make a difference in our local, national and international communities.

Each year in March, students, staff and alumni take part in a range of volunteering activities across the world as part of King’s Global Day of Service.
King’s Global Day of Service is on 25th March (to celebrate the day King’s was founded) but any volunteering activities that take place in March can contribute to our volunteering hours and demonstrate the positive impact that the King’s community has in the world.
We are pleased that King’s Global Day of Service will take place this year, but it will look a little different. If you’d like to get involved there are many easy and safe ways you can support others remotely from the comfort of your home or with your household – you could even organise a remote event for other members of the King’s community to join!
There are numerous ways that you can give back and meet the needs of King's diverse communities through volunteering, while also developing your skills and improving your wellbeing. You might like to speak to an isolated elderly person on the phone, collect litter in your local area, help deliver shopping for a vulnerable individual or act as a mentor for a young person. You could also thank our healthcare workers through creating and distributing wellbeing boxes or volunteer to be an NHS volunteer responder.
Visit the Service in Action webpages for a variety of volunteering opportunities that will inspire you to get involved and give back to others. You can also download the Volunteer Inspiration Pack for some easy and safe ways that you can make a difference.
King’s is the first university in the UK to run Service events at this scale and our annual Global Day of Service activities represent our commitment to serving our local, national and international communities.
We are calling on students, staff and alumni to arrange or take part in a volunteering event so that we can continue to make a difference.
If you do undertake voluntary activities in March, make sure to log your volunteering hours by completing the short the Global Day of Service Impact Form so we can keep track of our positive impact!
How can you get involved?
Organise or take part in a volunteering activity
- Organise a volunteering activity in March or find a volunteering event to take part in.
- Visit the Service in action webpages to discover a range of volunteering opportunities or download the Volunteer Inspiration Pack for some easy and safe ways that you can make a difference.
Sign up to one of the exciting Global Day of Service events led by members of the King's community:
- March 25th, 12-13:00 (GMT) – Make a crisp packet blanket: Enjoy crisps? Care about the environment and homelessness? Lai Ha from King’s Venues will show you how to make a life-saving blanket out of crisp packets.
- March 25th, 17:00-18.30 (GMT) - Empowering communities with Fair Energy: Take action and tackle climate and social justice in this interactive workshop. You will get a taster of community organising techniques and learn how to help communities switch to fairer, cheaper, and greener energy. Please invite groups external to King’s so that we can make a difference to people and planet.
- March 26th, 11-12 (GMT) – Start a Wellness box initiative: Learn how you can launch a Wellness box initiative to say thank you to individuals who have made a difference.
- Students can also browse volunteering opportunities through the KCLSU Volunteering Record. Here you can find a range of remote and in-person volunteering opportunities in the local community.
- If you are a student or member of staff and need help organising or promoting an event for King's Global Day of Service, contact the Service Team:
- If you are staff, remember you can use your Service Time (internal) throughout March to contribute to King’s Global Day of Service by volunteering with an external charity or community organisation.
- If you are alumni and need further guidance or an information pack on taking part in Global Day of Service activities in your local area, contact the Alumni Team:
- If you are arranging a Service activity in a location where groups are allowed to meet, let the Alumni team know so they can provide support and help promote the event to get more people involved. Email:
Share your Service story and log your volunteering hours
- We want to celebrate your Global Day of Service activities! Tell us what you’re doing for King’s Global Day of Service and log your volunteering hours by emailing
- Get involved with King’s Global Day of Service on social media by sharing your photos and videos. Make sure to tag us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by using @ServiceAtKings and @KCLalumni, and don’t forget to use the hashtags #ServiceAtKings and #ForeverKings
- Make sure to log your volunteering hours by completing the short Global Day of Service Impact Form so we can keep track of our positive impact!
Spread the word
- Share this news story among your networks and encourage others to get involved!
Remember that the main priority when volunteering during the COVID-19 pandemic should be to keep yourself and others safe. Before volunteering you should carefully read the government guidelines for wherever you are. You can read the UK government’s guidelines on how to help safely on the UK government website. If you are volunteering with a charity or community organisation, please also carefully read their health and safety guidelines.