22 April 2022
King's expertise on the war in Ukraine shared around the world
Researchers and academics from King’s have been using their expertise to inform discussion and debate around the war in Ukraine and its far-reaching consequences.

Our Ukraine Explained series now contains almost 40 individual commentary pieces looking at everything from what the EU and international community should do, to how the war is being perceived in Russia, the role of cyber operations, the nuclear risks posed by the war, China’s reaction and if the economic consequences could trigger a Third World War.
Our academics from the School of Security Studies and King’s Russia Institute, both within the Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy, have also been speaking directly to journalists around the world and since the start of February 2022 their contributions and views have been included in more than 11,000 media articles and broadcasts.*
Within the UK media, coverage has included 44 pieces in the Telegraph, 39 in the Daily Express, 31 in the Independent, 30 in the Daily Mail, 20 in the Guardian, 20 on BBC Radio 4, 16 on BBC News and 16 on Sky News, plus appearances on the BBC’s Newsnight and Question Time programmes.
Our expertise has also reached international audiences with journalists across Europe, the USA, Canada, Brazil, China, India and Australia, Indonesia, New Zealand and South Africa having spoken with King’s academics, or cited their expertise in their articles. International coverage has included pieces authored by or featuring our academics in the New York Times, the Washington Post, abc in Australia, El Pais, Reuters, France 24, Al Jazeera, AP News, the Canadian Broadcasting Service, Radio New Zealand and CNN.
Articles they have written, or contributed to, cover a wide range of topics including:
- how conflict abroad can boost Putin’s popularity within Russia
- the use of social media in the war
- analysis of the weapons being used
- whether Russia’s actions constitute war crimes
- what options President Putin faces
- China’s reasons for supporting Russia
- whether Russia should lose its seat on the UN Security Council
- the implications of the latest phase in fighting
- who is leading the Russian military
- rape as a weapon of war
- the potential risk from biological or chemical weapons.
Alongside speaking to journalists, our academics have been sharing their views directly with the public on social media, including thoughts on the build-up of troops on the Ukraine Russia border, reaction within hours to the invasion and ongoing analysis of the fighting, tactics, international sanctions and actions, plus assessment of public attitudes within Russia.
We have also held events open to the public, staff and students, to allow people to hear directly from our experts, including panel discussions covering topics such as the economic sanctions, Russia’s media strategy, Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine and the consequences of the war on Europe and the world.
Upcoming event: The war on Ukraine explained, more from our experts
26 April 2022, 17:00 to 18:30
Two months on from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, we’ve gone back to experts in the School of Security Studies to get their take on how the war is unravelling and get answers to the many questions that have arisen since the war began.
What’s happening on the ground? How has the war impacted civilians in Russia and Ukraine? Is a nuclear, chemical or biological attack likely? Can Putin be put on trial for Russia’s alleged war crimes? Has any progress been made around peace negotiations? Could the international community be doing more?
This free online event follows on from our discussion last month ‘The war on Ukraine explained: Hear from our experts’. It is open to all staff and students at King’s College London.
Upcoming event: Defence of Europe conference
9 May
Leading policymakers, military experts, academics and commentators are gathering to discuss key defence and security challenges facing Europe at a conference jointly hosted by our School of Security Studies and Reaction.
The event at Bush House has been organised to debate how European defences can be strengthened in light of the Russian military action and invasion of Ukraine.
The invited audience will hear a series of keynote speeches and expert panels addressing key questions including on how to best aid and strengthen Ukraine’s defences and what changes need to be made to bolster wider long-term European defence and security. For more information and to register your interest in attending the conference, email: registration@thedefenceofeurope.com.
King’s also is partnering with Citizens UK to lead on a sponsorship model for UK universities to host Ukrainian students displaced by the war so they continue their studies.
Within King’s we have also been offering support to members of our community affected by the war and shared ways that people can donate to humanitarian organisations working the region.
*Figure provided by media monitoring software Signal, for period 1 Feb – 13 April. This figure represents each time a piece of coverage appears, so will include syndicated features, all online coverage, repeat broadcasts etc. globally during the period.