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28 June 2023

King's Business School supports cross-party work on disability

School is co-provider of secretariat to UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on Disability

the UK Houses of Parliament seen from the south

King’s Business School is working alongside Disability Rights UK to provide the Secretariat for the All Party Parliamentary Group for Disability. Founded in 1969, the Group brings together members of parliament from both the House of Commons and the House of Lords to focus on the issues that affect all disabled people, regardless of their disability, impairment, or health condition.

The Group provides an opportunity for parliamentarians to engage with individuals and organisations outside parliament on disability-related issues. It currently has 341 members from across the House of Lords and House of Commons and works with over 500 stakeholders in the public, private and charity sectors. The Group draws on the experience and expertise of disabled people to give the disabled community leadership and control of the development of policy.

Paralympian Susie Rodgers stands at a lecturn in a grand room. She has blonde hair and a black top.
Gold medal Paralympic swimmer Susie Rodgers speaks at a Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office event supported by King's Business School to mark the 15th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Photo credit: Nathan Clarke.

King’s Business School’s support for the All-Party Parliamentary Group is led by Kim Hoque, Professor of Human Resource Management and Vice Dean (People and Culture).

Kim has researched and published widely in the human resource management, employment relations and EDI fields, and his research underpins the Disability Employment Charter, which he co-founded in 2021 along with leading charities and trade unions. The Charter outlines nine key recommendations to the UK Government to address the disability employment disadvantage and is backed by more than 120 signatory organisations.

Through our work with the All-Party Parliamentary Group we are helping to shape better policies that will further progress towards equal access to employment and to public and private services of all kinds.

Professor Kim Hoque

I am delighted that Kings Business School are co-providing the secretariat for the APPG on Disability. Kings College London is an internationally renowned university delivering exceptional education and its business school is home to world-leading academics and research. Therefore, I am pleased to have experts at Kings Business School supporting our mission to deliver change for disabled people in the UK.

Dr Lisa Cameron

In this story

Kim Hoque

Professor of Human Resource Management


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