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11 December 2019

Kings academics advocate Classics education at the British Museum

Dr Arlene Holmes-Henderson

On Friday 6 December, three King’s Classics academics supported the British Museum’s Troy Study Day for schools.

Three women stand in the atrium at the British Museum

Professor Edith HallDr Ellen Adams and Dr Arlene Holmes-Henderson supported British Museum curators and learning professionals to deliver a day full of workshops and lectures on the A Level Classical Civilisation and Ancient History specifications. The day was extremely popular, attracting a capacity audience of 100 sixth form students and 15 teachers (with a long waiting list of interested schools who sadly could not be accommodated this time). 

Professor Hall gave three lectures on Greek theatre and the plenary lecture on The World of the Hero (in which she enthused a great number of the audience to visit Butrint in Albania!). Dr Adams used her specialist knowledge of Greek pottery to lead a gallery tour for small groups of teachers and students. Dr Holmes-Henderson and Professor Hall worked with the Schools and Young Audiences team at the British Museum to design additional curriculum-linked Classics events for 2020, as the demand from schools is clearly strong.  

A highlight for attendees at the day was a talk from Dr Vicky Donnellan, curator of the excellent Troy: myth and reality exhibition and a subsequent visit to the exhibition to see the many objects on loan from museums and galleries around the world. This was certainly a rare treat, and one which we all enjoyed - academics included!

Visit the ACE website to find out more about the project.